Face-to-Face and Online
Somatic Body-Mind Therapy
for nervous system resilience in challenging times

Face-to-Face and Online
Somatic Body-Mind Therapy
for nervous system resilience in challenging times

In recent years, research has shown that the most effective methods for resolving shock trauma,
developmental & childhood trauma, PTSD, and other emotionally overwhelming and stressful conditions need to include awareness of the body's inner experience via felt sense, sensations, impulses, images etc.
As a fully qualified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, my trauma therapy approach with clients follows those findings. Somatic Experiencing techniques were developed by trauma expert Dr Peter Levine and resulted from his multidisciplinary study of stress physiology, psychology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics, together with over 45 years of successful clinical application.
Peter Levine, PhD is also the author of 'Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma', 'Trauma Through a Child's Eyes' and 'In an Unspoken Voice - How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness'.
Using Somatic Experiencing techniques and clinical tools and approaches, I help clients who have experienced trauma, to move from a nervous system state of disregulation to regulation - from fear to safety.
Trauma can be defined as anything that is too much, too soon, too fast or too relentless for our nervous system to handle. Trauma Therapy sessions will help to reduce your autonomic nervous system response of fight, flight, freeze and fawn, and enhance your parasympathetic nervous system responsible for a sense of safety and calm.
The pace and timing of sessions I offer is very much led by what you feel comfortable with - your sense of safety is paramount.
I've helped clients who have experienced the following:
Traumatic event/s, overwhelm
Abuse - sexual, physical, emotional, mental
Shut down, numbing of feelings/pain
Childhood, developmental trauma
Hypervigilance, unable to relax, flashbacks
Trust issues, fear of intimacy
Persistant feelings of isolation, loneliness, shame
Traumatic/difficult childhood, neglect
Effects from accidents, head injuries, attacks etc
Post-operative stress from medical interventions
Insomnia, nightmares
Trauma-related anger/hostility/rage
Panic attacks, anxiety
A sense of broken spirit, hopelessness
I offer a safe, non-judgemental and heartfelt space in which to help you build resilience against your traumatic experiences & memories, and restore emotional equilibrium. Please do feel free to call me if you'd like to talk more before booking an appointment.
Aspects we will cover in our sessions together include:​
How your body is central to being free from the effects of past trauma
How to increase your sense of safety, comfort, and ease within your body
Support to release the effects of fight, flight, freeze or fawn - common nervous system stress responses to trauma that can become stuck or overactivated
A 'tool kit' to help reduce the effects of stress and trauma 'triggers' in your day-to-day life
Ways to resource your nervous system and increase its resiliency
Support to gently and safely release the effects of past trauma from your body without having to fully "relive" your trauma
Support to help you build resilience for the future
"If we simply try to avoid confronting painful experiences,
there is no way to begin the healing process.
In fact, this denial creates the very conditions
that promote and prolong unnecessary suffering.”
Dr Peter Levine
Author of Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma, Trauma and Memory
“Neuroscience research shows that
the only way we can change ​the way we feel
is by becoming aware of our inner experience
​and learning to befriend what is going on inside ourselves.”
​Bessel van der Kolk
Author of The Body Keeps the Score