Face-to-Face and Online
Somatic Body-Mind Therapy
for nervous system resilience in challenging times

Face-to-Face and Online
Somatic Body-Mind Therapy
for nervous system resilience in challenging times

Stress & Anxiety
When we are stressed, part of our nervous system is activated into a 'fight, flight, freeze or fawn' state.
Stress hormones are released that affect heart rate, breathing, digestion, as well as emotional and mental wellbeing, which over time can lead to anxiety, depression or other health conditions.
With Somatic-based techniques, I support the body to 'reset' this activated nervous system response and facilitate adjustment back to a calmer, balanced state so the body can gently release any underlying stress, tension and emotional patterns that lie deeply stored within the body.
The following conditions in particular can benefit from treatment sessions:
Sleeping difficulties
Easily annoyed, irritable
Feeling ‘stuck’ in life, lack of direction/motivation
Low energy
Foggy thinking
Low self esteem
Juggling work/life/family balance
Work performance pressure, stress, burnout, redundancy, financial stress
Relationship challenges
Loss, unresolved grief
Stress-related physical problems: tinnitus, panic attacks, unable to fully relax etc
When you say "I have a sad heart",
then you literally have a sad heart.
If we looked inside your heart,
we would find it affected by molecules
that cause stress and damage,
such as excessive amounts of adrenaline and cortisol.
Dr Deekak Chopra